MC-Time: 18:00

the board is back online!
tried to bring the server back online but plugins are totally outdated..
if anyone is interested in helping - contact me:
with <3 heinz (april 2024)

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TOP Lists"TOP Players!"

Player Balance TOP 20:

75.298 pxlz
63.576 pxlz
38.127 pxlz
35.483 pxlz
24.874 pxlz
20.527 pxlz
19.714 pxlz
15.572 pxlz
12.865 pxlz
10.401 pxlz
8.922 pxlz
8.161 pxlz
7.619 pxlz
4.953 pxlz
4.842 pxlz
4.430 pxlz
4.310 pxlz
3.789 pxlz
3.202 pxlz
2.995 pxlz

Storage Sign TOP 20:

45.900 of Cobblestone
40.738 of Cleanstone
25.570 of Netherrack
23.952 of Cobblestone
23.815 of Cobblestone
20.203 of Cobblestone
19.855 of Ender Pearl
18.616 of Cobblestone
18.460 of Dirt
16.968 of Cobblestone
14.669 of Sand
12.973 of Dirt
11.233 of Cobblestone
9.793 of Sand
8.753 of Dirt
8.212 of Cobblestone
7.100 of Ender Pearl
7.063 of Gravel
6.636 of Melon Slice
6.601 of Cobblestone
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